I would LOVE to interview you on my summit airing November 30, 2017 and being pre-recorded soon! I think what you have to say is brilliant. This dynamic event, titled “The Courageous Caregiver World Summit.
You will be reaching Doctors, Nurses, Home Health workers, Hospital staff and overwhelmed co-dependent suffering people who desperately need your help. I am also a Director of Nursing in Newport Beach, a hospice RN who has been in the trenches, and with NO health insur- ance to boot.. Trust me!
What is the Vision and Audience of summit?
I want to revolutionize how Doctors, Nurses and healthcare workers process and think so they can be a part of the “shift of change by starting with themselves.”
Imagine a world where the healthcare professionals spread the mes- sage to patients about YOUR services as part of their healing prac- tice, THEY are face to face every day with “your clients”
It is a “secret amongst doctors, nurses and medical staff everywhere that the healthcare workers are ashamed of where they are at physically, mentally and spiritually and feel they can’t tell anyone as they are supposed to be the healers, they are supposed to have the answers!” Addictions, Obesity and complete burnout are the norm for healthcare workers today. THEY must heal themselves first.. The True Healers Journey!
They will rediscover who they really are meant to be/what and who their HIGHER selves are. They have lost themselves taking care of others and will learn HOW to finally drop the story of co-dependency and empower themselves to live their truest authentic lives. I will be look- ing for people who have a story of challenge/overcoming/deep desire to be of service and sees the bigger picture and that NOW is Critical for Healthcare Professionals to get it together in order to BE the change the world needs NOW. You will be aligned with other speakers and all are of the highest Integrity for being of service on the planet!
See who else is participating thus far…
I have a Mission to create a global movement for burned out caregivers to stand in the strength of their own healing while powerfully creating a Tsunami of change in the health care industry!
It all starts by us…those right NOW directly in front of these suffering people.
It’s time to reach the individual healthcare practicioners on a grass-roots level from nurse to nurse, caregiver to caregiver and expert to the masses! Please join me in revolutioninzing people to realize that “They are the ones THEY have been waiting for!” I need you, I need YOUR voice, the world needs you now.