I was a Burned Out…
Over worked, Completely destroyed, Fat, Sick and Dying- Bad ass Registered Nurse, Mother, Realtor, Caregiver and all around “Giver”
It is critical that we “Caregivers, Empaths and Healers” rise up to who we really are and teach how our old wounds are now our scars to heal the world!

Eve Ensler
Told with her signature brand of humor, Tony Award winning playwright, performer, and activist Eve Ensler’s personal journey uncovers surprising connections between her body and the earth and how illness can be both transformative and transcendent.

Mark Matousek
Bestselling author, teacher, and speaker whose work focuses on personal awakening and creative excellence through transformational writing and self-inquiry.

Alexi Panos
Modern day philosopher, Writer, Artist, Humanitarian and all around bad-ass nerd on a mission to make personal development mainstream

Dr. Hyla Cass
Nationally acclaimed innovator and expert in the fields of integrative medicine, psychiatry, and addiction recovery

Lou Corona
President and founder of Puradyme, A company grounded on the 4 Principles to a healthy and vibrant life

Sharyn Wynters
Actress, Naturopath, Nutritionist, Raw-foods Expert, Holistic healer, Author, Activist. She was the original Cat girl.

Niki King, RN, Broker
Registered Nurse, Real Estate Broker, Survivor, Speaker, Author and International Destination Retreat Leader shares her vision of Healing Burnout.

Ama Lia Wai Ching Lee
Intuitive Healer, Modern Mystic , Writer, SpiritDancer,
Founder of Infinity Quantum Qi Gong
Director of EarthHeart Holistic Consultancy
Founder of Living Healing Arts Vortex ( LHAV ) program
Member of Asia Pacific Spa and Wellness Coalition
Knighted as Dame Reverend Doctor by the Sacred Medical Order of the Knights of Hope
Ama Lia Wai- Ching Lee
(Dame Reverend Dr.)

Kate Emmerson
Best selling author, international speaker and director of Quick Shift Deva Pty Ltd – a company dedicated to sharing the motto LIVE LIGHT, LIVE LARGE!

Philip Milgram MD
Board Certified OB/GY at Scripps, Medical Director, International Doctors with addictions and Nurses re-entry program, Director of Rape Crisis Center, NAD Therapy

Dr. Terry A. Gordon,
He was a close friend of Dr. Wayne Dyer. A Cleveland Clinic-trained cardiologist practiced within mainstream medicine for over two decades, Nationally recognized in matters of the heart.

Allie LeFevere
Brand Strategist, Creative Messaging Fanatic, Small Business Advocate, Creator of Obedient Agency

Lisa Haisha
Her popular work has garnered the attention of Hollywood’s elite, helping them deal with ego, fear, & shame which helped her gain a unique insight into the minds of successful leaders.

Dr. Veerle Van Tricht
Medical Mojo, Holistic Life Coach, Author of My Surgeon Talks to Angels. Dr V was a volunteer doctor for “Doctors without Borders” and other non-profit organizations
in Africa and Australia performing cataract surgery in rural villages between 1993 and 2006

Maria Therase Cucinotta
Maria Therase Cucinotta: Transformational Life Coach and Holistic Counsellor, NLP Master Trainer, International Holistic Image Consultant & Feminine Ancient Wisdom, Empowerment Mentor/ Sistership Circle Facilitator .

Norma T. Hollis
“The Voice Doctor”, 30 years training people to be AUTHENTIC. If you have a “calling from deep within” that can no longer be ignored, then this is it. Teaching leaders how to strengthen their organizations with Authenticity.

Brenda Adelman
Brenda Adelman is a critically acclaimed actor, a recipient of a Hero of Forgiveness award and has a Master’s degree in Spiritual Psychology. She created a one-woman show, My Brooklyn Hamlet, based on her life story.

Jessica Drummond
Dr. Jessica Drummond, DCN, CCN, PT, Founder of the Integrative Women’s Health Institute, is passionate about empowering women who struggle with chronic conditions.

Deborah Kagan
Deborah Kagan helps women conquer self-doubt and indecision to step into their full power, love who they are and live a turned ON life.

Tom Ingoglia
As a private investor with a master’s degree in finance, Thomas Ingoglia never expected to stumble upon most important molecule in life extension movement.

Peggy Oliveira
Peggy is a Social Worker who leads women into healing childhood sex abuse through her own story of abuse from the age of 8 onward. Some Healthcare workers are suppressing similar stories “Caregiving to the point of exhaustion to escape dealing with it”

Mel Robbins
Mel is currently one of CNN’s most popular on-air commentators and opinion writers; her articles drive tens of millions of page views for CNN.com.

Ann Rodgers
Ann Rodgers is an educator and healer with over 30 years in wellness and transformation. She has become a leading spokesperson and advisor in treatment using NAD therapy and adjunct therapies.

Margo Doll
Margo Doll is a board certified Nutritional Consultant and holistic health educator and is the founder of Clean Living Organics.
The Pain can end now!
Today is THE day you made the decision to Stop the cycle of insanity in your own mind. You won’t need to search for anything else.. I have spent years putting this all together for all of us. It is complete. You have heard it said that “When you don’t know what to do, Just take the FIRST INDICATED STEP in the right direction! Well here it is so please STOP THINKING and START BEING!